In Clutter to Clarity, I'll guide you in creating spacious in your home by moving out the clutter, seeing your clutter in a different light, and allowing energy to flow more freely so you can let clarity to emerge.
Are you tired of the clutter weighing you down, feeling overwhelmed that there's no time to deal with it leaving you more exhausted and frustrated by analysis paralysis?
Clutter can creep up in so many areas. Even if your home doesn't have the cluttered look, there could be spaces in your drawers, closets, office files, computer and the spare room that are preventing you from having total peace of mind.
You've decluttered in the past and now you're ready to take decluttering next level by seeing your home as the archetype of the divine feminine, the untapped and forgotten power center to assist you in creating a life aligned with who you truly are, a soulful energetic being with dreams and pulsating desires.
So I created this course to get you into action so you can create more space for fresh energy and head space for you to receive clarity because receiving clarity is the feminine way of allowing clarity to emerge and when you're home is filled with way too much stuff, your mind most likely is too.
And you'll see your home as a living vision board you get to create, an untapped potential to creating a sacred sanctuary so you can be the fully expressed all of you.
In Clarity to Clutter you'll let the process of clearing the clutter reveal more of who you are and your new reality waiting for you to live out.
I'm excited to have created this course as a healing modality to help you restore harmony back into your home, health and financial flow!
This work is holistic. Improve one area of your life, the other areas will be too.
- clarity prompts, home assessment, daily decluttering assignments to get your focused and in action
- decluttering as a healing modality and soul alignment practice
- your home as the archetype of the divine feminine
- reclaiming home as your power center and re-establishing leadership in our home and life
- renewing the flow of energy in the space you live and work in
- inspired decluttering and the energy of objects
- processing emotions as things go
- what you need to know about your energy type and how you should approach decluttering so you follow through successfully
- what the cost of clutter is we can't stop turning our heads away from
- the consciousness of clutter
- the ultimate letting go, death decluttering

Clutter to Clarity
5- Module Declutter Challenge to get into action, let fog lift and let clarity emerge

Home for the Soul Bundle
Detox, purify, rejuvenate your Home Bundle includes Clutter to Clarity Challenge

About Maria Carbonell
I’m Maria Carbonell. I healed myself, healed my life and I help the most amazing people do it too super naturally through doing the work to align with the most natural part of you, YOU. Your soul. Then do the work to release, let go, and let it those things fall off that weight you down, that prevent you from seeing the truth of who you are and being it!
What I do exactly? Put simply, I wake your soul up.
I currently live in the Texas Hill Country with my cat and husband. I figured to create this course during COVID and everyone was at home a lot and saw all the stress around the stuff in the homes as so many were pivoting themselves in what these global changes would mean in their lives.
No matter where I lived, I was able to create a home for the soul, spaciousness to be me. I share my formula in these home programs of how I do it and show you how to make it yours.